Our Terms & Privacy Policy

Innovategy Oy (referred to as "we," "us," or "our") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and share personal information about you when you visit our websites, use our applications, and interact with our services.

Scope of This Privacy Policy

This policy applies to the following platforms and services:

  • Websites:
    • innovategy.com (Core platform)
    • beta.innovategy.com (Beta facilitator program)
    • innovategy.fi (Public website)
    • innovategy.ch (Public website)
    • innovategy.io (Public website)
    • innovategy.app (Hosted platform)
    • innovategy.ai (Hosted platform)
    • hub.innovategy.com (Hosted platform)
    • status.innovategy.fi (Hosted service by UptimeBoot)
    • feedback.innovategy.fi (Hosted service by Sleekplan)
  • Applications:
    • Innovategy Voice (Android and iOS Apps)
  • Information We Collect

    Directly from Forms:

    • Name
    • Company Name
    • Email Address
    • Phone Number
    • Message

    Indirectly through Analytics:

    • IP Address
    • City
    • Country
    • Other Google Analytics data points

    For Children’s Services:

    We do not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) from children. The only data fields collected to provide personalized services are:

    • Nickname
    • Age range
    • Selected avatar
    • Language
    • Country
    • Facilitator
  • Purpose of Data Collection

    We collect personal data to:

    • Understand the audience's requirements.
    • Read and respond to requests and inquiries.
    • Improve our online presence, website content, and structure.
    • Include users in marketing communications only if they explicitly consent by checking a specific option in our forms.
  • Data Processing and Sharing

    We process your data for the purposes mentioned above and share it with the following third-party services:

    • Google Analytics
    • reCAPTCHA
    • Vercel
    • OpenAI Business API
    • UptimeBoot (for status.innovategy.fi)
    • Sleekplan (for feedback.innovategy.fi)

    We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties.

  • Legal Basis for Processing

    The legal basis for processing your personal data includes:

    • Consent: For marketing communications and use of cookies.
    • Legitimate Interests: For analytics and website improvement purposes.
    • Contractual Necessity: To respond to inquiries and requests.
  • Data Retention Period

    We retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and comply with legal obligations. The standard retention period for contact form submissions is 12 months unless extended by explicit consent for ongoing communications.

  • Data Protection Measures

    We implement various measures to protect your personal data, including:

    • Encryption of data at rest and in transit
    • Regular security assessments
    • Access controls to limit data access to authorized personnel
  • International Data Transfers

    Our servers and services are located within the EU. However, some of our partners, such as OpenAI, may process data outside the EU. We ensure that appropriate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses, are in place to protect your data.

  • Cookies Policy

    We use Google Analytics cookies to analyze website traffic and improve user experience. Users can manage their cookie preferences through their browser settings.

  • Changes to the Privacy Policy

    We will notify users of any changes to this privacy policy by email 30 days in advance and publish the updated policy on our website, including the effective date and summary of changes. Previous versions of the privacy policy will be available on our website.

  • Children’s Privacy
    • Parental Consent: Our mobile app, Innovategy Voice, is designed for children. We do not collect personal information from them. The app uses parental controls available through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store to ensure parental consent is obtained before installation on a child's device.
    • Data Collection: We only collect non-identifiable data such as nickname, age range, selected avatar, language, country, and facilitator to provide a personalized experience. No PII is collected.
    • Transcription Service: The app features a voice transcription tool using Speechmatics' EU endpoint live transcription websocket. The user's voice is transcribed in real-time and not stored or processed further.
  • Rights of Data Subjects

    Under GDPR, you have rights regarding your personal data, including the right to access, rectify, or erase your data, and the right to object to or restrict processing. To exercise these rights, contact us at the information below

  • Contact Information

    For any privacy-related questions or concerns, please contact us at:

    Innovategy Oy

    PL 10, 15101 Lahti, Finland

    Email: privacy@innovategy.fi

    Y-tunnus: 3281265-2